Experts In Creating Medical Work Environment
Organized And Free Of Contaminants
Declaration of accessibility
The accessibility adjustments were made in accordance with the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law and the recommendations of the Israeli Standard (T.I. 5568) at level AA.
The site supports the usual usage for keyboard operation [keyboard using the arrow keys, Enter and Esc to exit].
The tests The site has been highly tested for Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers.
The site is adapted for use with a cell phone.
We strive as much as possible to make content accessible to people with disabilities.
Due to the dynamic nature and update of the site and despite maximum meticulousness.
Small glitches can sometimes occur when it is updated automatically.
If during browsing you encounter an accessibility problem
We would be happy to receive an email or contact us by email at our accessibility coordinator:
Name: Sher-Lee Adot
Phone: 0525995111
Date of updating the accessibility declaration - 31.01.2022